Against the backdrop of the current economic situation and increased competition worldwide, the use of innovative industrial automation technological solutions can produce a structural transformation in favour of sustainable production based on the concepts of environmental, social and sustainability. The demand for high quality standards in highly complex production processes, together with the growing variability and complexity of the product, requires new industrial automation systems that are no longer rigid but increasingly based on the concept of modularization, flexibility, adaptability, and standardization.
The talk will make a brief description of COMAU and its challenge to redesign the systems so that they can reach world class productivity levels.
Short BIO:
Dr Massimo Ippolito is the University Relations at Comau since 2012. He is also a member of High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence for the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and Privileged invitees and Reserve list of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence European Commission. From 2015 is member of the Board of Directors of the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA). He is author of scientific and business papers and interview on the Industry 4.0 and Intelligent Manufacturing. He holds a Ph.D. in “Industrial Production Engineering” from Parma University and a M.Sc. in “Computer science” at the University of Milan. He has extensive experience in methodologies and tools for product and production system design. Since 2000, he has been involved in various international projects in the product design and manufacturing area, ranging from methodologies for product design for manufacturing to process design for energy efficiency. From 2007 to 2012, within Centro Ricerche Fiat, he was responsible of an innovation program related to manufacturing topics.