Teaching Information



Types of Academic Staff

Tenured professor

The tenured professors are individuals who enter the career and ranking of professor and researcher at ESPOL through a public competition based on merits and opposition, and are categorized into:

  • Assistant
  • Associate
  • Full

Non-tenured professor​

  • Adjunct
  • Visiting 
  • Honorary
  • Emeritus  ​

Tenured or non-ternured professors with part-time and half-time dedication may only engage in teaching activities. They must fulfill weekly hours according to their dedication level. 

The ESPOL authorities are prohibited from appointing, naming, or hiring relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, their spouse, or common-law marriage within the same institution.

  • Be over eighteen years old and be in full exercise of the rights provided by the Constitution of the Republic.
  • Not being under civil interdiction, not being the debtor subject to bankruptcy proceedings, and not being in a state of judicially declared fraudulent insolvency.
  • Not being subject to any of the disqualifying factors for holding public office.
  • Having voted in elections.
  • Not being in arrears in the payment of credits established in favor of entities or agencies of the public sector.
  • Submitting a sworn statement of assets, including: 1. Authorization to disclose bank account details; 2. Declaration of not owing more than two alimony payments; 3. Declaration of not being involved in nepotism.
  • For tenured professors, having been declared the winner in the competition based on merits and opposition, except for cases of elected or freely appointed and removable public officials.
  • Meeting all other requirements established in this Regulation and in internal rules and provisions of ESPOL, as well as those stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic and the Law.
  • Entry into the career shall only be through a competition based on merits and opposition for the categories and levels of: assistant 1, associate 1, and full professor 1.
  • The competition will assess and ensure the suitability of applicants and their free access under principles of transparency and non-discrimination.
  • ESPOL may grant additional points in the merit phase of the competition to adjunct academic staff who have worked in that capacity at the institution of higher education for more than five (5) years, whether consecutive or not.
  • The transparency of the public competition based on merits and opposition is ensured through the publication of its call, the instruments used in the evaluation of merits and opposition, as well as the results of all phases of the competition.
  • The public competition based on merits and opposition shall have a maximum duration of ninety (90) days, counted from its announcement until the publication of its results. This period does not include the time allocated for result challenges.
  • Having at least a master's degree or its equivalent, duly recognized and registered in a broad field of knowledge related to their teaching or research activities.
  • In the field of arts, either holding a master's degree or its equivalent, or enjoying recognition and prestige for having developed a distinguished artistic career, acknowledged by the Interinstitutional Arts Commission.
  • Any other requirements determined by ESPOL.
  • Possess at least a master's degree or enjoy academic, scientific, cultural, artistic, professional, or business prestige, due to having provided significant services to humanity, the region, or the country.
  • In the case of activities within a doctoral program, hold a doctoral degree (PhD or its equivalent) in a broad field of knowledge related to their teaching and research activities, obtained from a research institution or institution of higher education, in accordance with the provisions of the LOES.
  • Any other requirements determined by ESPOL, which shall comply with constitutional and legal norms and ensure the rights established in the LOES.
  • Possess a fourth-level degree or enjoy proven academic, scientific, cultural, artistic, professional, or business prestige, due to having provided significant services to humanity, the region, the country, or ESPOL.
  • Have achieved at least an 85% score in one of the last two academic performance evaluations, where applicable. For foreign professors whose performance evaluation is qualitative, it must correspond to very good or excellent.
  • Any other requirements determined by ESPOL, which shall comply with constitutional and legal norms and ensure the rights established in the LOES."
  • To be a retired professor from ESPOL.
  • To have served with distinction for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years as a full professor at ESPOL.
  • To possess a distinguished academic, research, or artistic creation record.
  • Other requirements as determined by ESPOL.
  • Teaching assistants.
  • Research assistants.
  • Laboratory technicians.
  • Arts field technicians or teaching artists and other related designations established at ESPOL.

Occasional academic support staff may only be hired as employees.

The maximum contract duration for teaching, laboratory, and arts field technicians will be five (5) years.

For research technicians, the maximum contract duration will be two (2) years for grade 1 and four (4) years for grade 2.
